Birth of Jesus Christ

145 $

The birth of Jesus Christ is a central and transformative event in Christian tradition, recounted in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, each revealing unique elements that contribute to the rich narrative. This story unfolds in a historical context marked by political turmoil and religious anticipation, as the Jewish people were awaiting the arrival of a promised Messiah.

Mary, a young woman living in Nazareth, was betrothed to Joseph, a carpenter. One day, the Angel Gabriel visited Mary to deliver startling news: she was chosen to bear the Son of God. Though initially troubled, Mary’s faith shone through her response. She accepted this divine calling with humility, declaring, “I am the Lord’s servant; may your word to me be fulfilled.” This moment signified not only her willingness but also the miraculous nature of her pregnancy through the Holy Spirit, fulfilling the prophecy found in Isaiah 7:14, which spoke of a virgin bearing a son named Immanuel, meaning “God with us.”

As the time for her delivery approached, a decree was issued by Emperor Augustus requiring a census, causing everyone to return to their ancestral towns. Joseph, being of David’s lineage, took Mary to Bethlehem, a journey filled with difficulty. The couple faced numerous challenges, including Mary’s heavy pregnancy. Upon arriving in Bethlehem, they found the city bustling with travelers. All the inns were full, and after several rejections, they were offered shelter in a humble stable. It was amongst the animals that Mary gave birth to Jesus, wrapping him in swaddling clothes and laying him in a manger — a scene that epitomized his humble beginnings and the nature of his earthly mission.

The story of Jesus’ birth is accentuated by the awe of those who learned of it. In the fields nearby, shepherds were tending their flocks when an angel of the Lord appeared, illuminating the night sky with glorious light. The angel spoke to them, saying, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people: Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” The shepherds were directed to Bethlehem to find the newborn child. After the heavenly host praised God, the shepherds rushed off to find Mary and Joseph, and there they beheld the miraculous sight of Jesus. Overwhelmed with joy, they spread the word about what had been told to them regarding this child, becoming among the first witnesses of the Messiah.

In a parallel account, wise men, or Magi, from the East, saw a star that signified the birth of a great king and set out on a journey to pay homage to him. The Magi followed the star to Jerusalem and inquired about the newborn king, which alarmed King Herod. Herod called together the chief priests and scribes, who informed him that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem. Devoid of righteousness, Herod deceitfully asked the Magi to report back to him once they found the child, intending to eliminate this perceived threat to his throne.

Upon reaching Bethlehem, the wise men were guided by the star until it stopped over the place where Jesus lay. Upon entering, they saw the child with Mary and Joseph, and they worshipped him, presenting gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These gifts hold symbolic significance: gold represents Jesus’ kingship, frankincense signifies his divinity, and myrrh, which was used in burial rituals, foreshadows his suffering and death.

After being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, the Magi took another route home. Joseph, also warned in a dream, took Mary and Jesus and fled to Egypt to escape Herod’s massacre of young boys in Bethlehem, a dark attempt to eradicate the newborn king. This journey demonstrated both God’s provision and the violent opposition to Jesus’ mission.

The story of Jesus’ birth encapsulates themes of hope, divine love, and humility. The circumstances surrounding his arrival emphasize that God’s plans often unfold in unexpected ways. The Nativity narrative becomes a cornerstone of faith, reminding Christians that Jesus, born in a stable, came to bring salvation and a new relationship between God and humanity. His birth heralds a message of peace and goodwill, resonating in the hearts of believers throughout the ages, celebrated each year during Christmas, a time of joy and reflection on the miraculous gift of love bestowed upon humanity.

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Product specifications:

  • Delivery is available within 15 days
  • Bethlehem Jewelry Factory Holy Land, Israel
  • Material: Olive wood

    Weight : 1.08LB (492gr)

    Length: 7.5 inches (180mm)

    Width: 4 inches (100mm)

    Height: 4 inches (100mm)

  • Resizable: No
  • Made in the Holy Land


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